Although there is the impending release of CATS the Musical the Movie (in theatres December 20), we're going to chat about CATS the Musical the Musical here. CATS is enjoying its current run at the Princess of Wales Theatre in Toronto until January 5, 2020. Not only are the cats ...
Credit: Tristan Baker (@TrisBaker) | Twitter "Ravishing", reads the banner in the Royal Alexandra Theatre in Toronto. I couldn't agree more. What a stunning show. I knew little to nothing about this show and I wasn't all that excited about the show when I first heard about it. I know a ...
It's almost fall. I know, I know. Shhh.... sorry. Mirvish has some sensational productions on tap for us - including two of my favourite musical superstars - Chilina Kennedy and Louise Pitre! You cannot go wrong with either of these powerhouses. Starting September 17, the Ed Mirvish Theatre will be ...
Toronto is in for a treat - and I don't just mean the pie you can get in the lobby, although that is fabulous and fun. Waitress is a delight. With music and lyrics by the incredible Sara Bareilles, you know it's going to be good. Had 2016 not been ...
My thoughts at intermission can be summed up like this: ACK! Amazing! The second act was just as strong. I went in expecting a good time, but was not expecting an absolutely amazing time. I did not want the show to end. Of course it did, though. I would have sat there and ...
A post in five parts: My relationship with Dear Evan Hansen; the International Premiere; a short synopsis of the show; my review; TL;DR. I sit here, staring at my blinking cursor, not sure where to start. I have a lot of thoughts about the show, and almost a two-year relationship with ...
This research paper was authored by Jacki Yovanoff (me), December 2015 at University of Waterloo, as part of the Sexual Ethics course in the Sexuality, Marriage and Family Studies program. It's being made shareable here, including references. When discussions arise about consensual non-monogamy (CNM), one of the common concerns is its ...
As soon as the house lights went up at intermission, the excited chatter began. The same thing happened at the end of the show. The kids couldn’t contain themselves and all started talking about their favourite parts at once. Here is a shot of some very animated post-show discussion. Seven of us ...
The Last Ship has sailed into The Princess of Wales theatre in Toronto. The theatre will be home to Sting and his musical ode to his hometown until March 24. Thanks to some media tickets, my partner and I were delightfully close to the legend himself. Sting's stage presence is ...
Come From Away is such a special show. Whether you're seeing it for the first time, the third time (like me), or the tenth time or beyond, you're guaranteed to have an emotional and connected theatre experience. We all have 9/11 stories. We're all connected by those stories and that ...