What Did She Say

My mind is always open

Note: Since I do not want to show up in google search under pedophile (again) I’m going to use jackhole instead.

I ranted on my personal blog about Amazon having a jackhole’s guide in the Kindle bookstore. I ranted about it on my personal blog that is mainly about my children – my personal blog that I started in the hopes of keeping family and friends updating on our goings on. Although the blog was still mainly about my kids and the crap they do, more and more personal entries started to emerge.

So, when I ranted about this “guide” and how Amazon was not pulling it, the blog got some attention. First thing that made me uncomfortable was someone from the author’s hometown searched for the author’s name (not Amazon, not the book’s name, but the author’s name – as you would if you were googling yourself) and made his way to my blog. It may or may not have been him. The place does have a population of over 100,000, but it did freak me out a bit.

So, I took out the link to the book and also took out the author’s name and his hometown information.

Then I started to freak a bit that my blog was going to be associated with the word “jackhole”, so I went back and changed any reference to the word to j*ckhole. Smart thinking, eh?

Ya. Not so much.

If you were a sicko searching the term you would likely try jackhole and the variations people may use to hide the word – such as j*ckhole.

Well, guess what happened? When you did a Google search using j*ckhole, my personal blog came up as #1 and the post itself came up #2. Nice SEO work, huh? Ya. That would be great if I wanted my blog associated with that. Oh, and the really fun part? When you clicked on the summary to see the thumbnail? Pictures of my kids came up. On a search for j*ckhole! SO not cool. HUGE mommy fail.

So, I went back and decided to delete the post. Completely. The next day the blog was not coming up in the search as a general link, but the post was still coming up. That rectified itself after a couple days. (I have reposted the Amazon/Jackhole’s Guide entry on this blog, though.)

And I also made the blog private, so only those with permission should be able to view it. (Yes, I understand there’s a risk to putting anything out into the interwebs.) At least my family and friends will still be able to keep up. At least it should be somewhat private. And we’ll still have our stories and memories journaled – which is a big reason why I started the blog three and a half years ago.

So, I will have separate blogs for different purposes. I’ll have the personal family and friends “hey lookie what our cute kid did to piss me off today” blog, as well as the “oh wow I need to get this out of my brain” blog for all the world to read. Ok, or maybe just you and a couple others. Or no one. Whatever.

I write to purge thoughts from my mind that would otherwise fester there. I write to reach out and possibly connect with others that have crazy-brain, too. I write because I can. I live in a country where I’m allowed to write – whatever I want, whenever I want. I live in a country where, as in the US, someone can self-publish a guide to pedophilia. I live in a country where the public also has the right to self-regulate and call out shit like that.

So, welcome to my brand new blog. Feel free to share your thoughts. Agree. Disagree. High five me. Bitch slap me. “Oh no you di-int.”

Next >
Categories: Home - Slideshow, Rant

17 Responses so far.

  1. CynthiaK says:

    Looks great, Jacki! Totally sucked about having to deal with the other blog, making it private, etc. But probably for the best and you can still document your kids’ adventures.

    This blog will rock! 🙂

  2. mumby says:

    Makes sense! I’m sure it will all transition nicely All the best!! xo

  3. Colleen Curtis says:

    Hey Jacki…did you see my tweet yesterday…apparently a pedophile CAN’T say anything he wants. He was arrested yesterday on charges pertaining to the how-to manual. 🙂

  4. I think you did the right thing making this blog and also making the other one as private as possible. I rarely share photos of my kids with the wide world, (they wouldn’t let me anyways.)

    Look forward to reading the new blog I like the look!

  5. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Mathew Hoy. Mathew Hoy said: RT @JackiYo: Why am I starting a new blog? Quick answer? I'm an idiot. http://bit.ly/fXU3v3 […]

  6. Oh, so that’s why I can’t see your posts in my reader any more 🙁 Do I need to know a secret handshake to get in?

    Can’t wait to see what you do with this new blog!! I be that you will do great things!

  7. I totally get this Jacki, and in your situation would’ve probably done the same. We have to protect our children.

    I do love your URL I have to say!

    I look forward to reading more!

  8. Lindsey says:

    Looks good! Like the layout/design!
    Make sure you post on Twitter or Facebook cause I don’t use a blog reader. (Thank you Twitter and Facebook)

  9. Derek Weidl says:

    Look forward to reading your new blog!

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