As soon as the house lights went up at intermission, the excited chatter began. The same thing happened at the end of the show. The kids couldn’t contain themselves and all started talking about their

Seven of us (plus the winners of the family-four-pack I was able to give away) saw The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical last night thanks to Mirvish Productions and we all had a fun and fabulous time – kids and adults alike. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. As a parent, I love the messages in the story. I smiled as Percy’s mom, Sally sang “Normal is a myth” and “The things that make you different are the very things that make you strong”.
Even our 14-year-old, who went in with serious trepidation about a musical version of a beloved book, had a blast. She loves musicals and loves the Rick Riordan series, but she didn’t think the two should mix. I’ve never seen her so excited after a show. She couldn’t stop talking about it. She went from “Mom, I don’t think I want to see this musical. I love the books too much” to breathlessly sharing all her
Some quotes from the kids:
10/10 would totally see again. Right now.
That. Was. AWESOME!!
Chiron, tho. *nod and okay gesture*
Poseidon was amazing. *mimics Poseidon surfer gesture* aaaayyyy
I like how they’re incorporating lines from the book.
This is so fun!!
I loved it sooooo much! WAY better than the movie.
The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical only runs until March 24 in Toronto, so you’ve gotta move yer butt if you want to catch this one before it moves on. I highly recommend running to the Ed Mirvish Theatre before Percy Jackson disappears.
Here are a couple videos to give you a taste: